I have been studying David in my personal devotion time. Praying that I will have a heart like him and one after God's own heart. Today was yet another time someone took matters into their own hands and thought they would be pleasing the king. Taking revenge for their cause and believing they were in the right. The author stated "Remember God never came to take sides He came to take over. We as Christians don't go around with actual swords, but with the word of God using it as our right to cut down and wound our fellow soldiers. The author then goes on to say, how we must grieve the Holy God when we use the word of God in this way. We are to use it to attack the evil one, not our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We are commanded to love on another (John 13:34),speak truth in love (Eph 4:15) restore gently (Gal 6:1) and forgive (Col 3:13). So as the new year begins, let us take time to think before we speak. Not only think about our actions but our reactions as well. This is one of the things I will be working on in 2014. I want to love others more, I want my speech to be seasoned with salt. Most of all I want to do what God put me here to do. So remember to put our swords back in place, use them at the correct time!! 

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     Wife and Mother! CEO of the Luckett family. Striving daily to honor God with my life and actions.

    My five gifts God graciously gave me.


    January 2014
    December 2013

